Saturday 17 September 2011

Long time no speak.

Well hello there random person who has stumbled across my blog. Did you or are you currently going to university? I ask because I move in to halls tomorrow. Yes, I am spending my time blogging instead of packing. I'll probably regret that.
I'm totally scared but so excited about this. I've never lived anywhere but with my parents, I'm only just 18, and we've lived in the same house since I was around 6 months old. I move into a 5 bed flat, it's mixed thank god, I can't cope with too many women, they piss me off something crazy.
Any how, this was just a quick update since I've been neglecting my blog, sorry about that. Not that anyone reads it haha. It's more like an outlet at the moment. I'll post something next week after the move. Talk soon, Rae :) x

Sunday 6 February 2011


Ever hear one of those albums that you just listen to over and over again, and their effect on you is entirely different depending what mood you're in? Well, I've spent most of my evening listening to City and Colour's Bring Me Your Love (Deluxe Edition) and it's so relaxing and cheerful. I know no-one really follows this blog yet, and I'm basically just writing to get stuff out of my head, but if you read this, you should listen to that album.


So. Today I decided I'd have a go at this blog business. I suppose it was meant to be a film related blog but I can never keep myself going straight in one direction, so I assume it will wander.
To start with, Hello! My name is Rachel and I'm currently in College in England, I'm studying English lang & lit, Media and Photography. I love music and films and Hyperbole and a Half, which is a blog, you should check it out for hilarious stories and pictures.

And I guess that's it for now, I'll post some more when...well...I figure out more about blogging haha :D.