Tuesday 1 May 2012

Breakfast at Spoons.

Wetherspoons is a very popular chain of pubs in the UK, recently I spent quite a lot of time in one of these in Derby, named The Standing Order. Which is a fitting name as you usually can't find a place to sit. Ever.
But anyway, the other night I may have, in the company of Boyfriend and two flatmates, gotten a little bit drunk on stupidly named, and coloured, cocktail pitchers and a substantial amount of JD and coke.
So the following morning I woke everyone up and took them to 'Spoons' as we have so affectionately nick-named it. It took a while to get everyone there as I seemed to be the only one with any energy left, we sat staring at the breakfast menu like genuine idiots for a good 15 minutes before we had any inkling about what we wanted to eat. Or try to eat.
I, unlike my then brain-dead companions, went for a classy eggs benedict. While my three zombie followers went for a plain english breakfast. Which I don't think any of them finished.
This being the first time I'd had eggs benedict I was quite impressed, I would have been more so if my eggs were a little softer but you can't have everything in life. Certainly not soft eggs at least. When we decided to leave we got outside and found possibly the foulest weather I have ever known to happen in Derby, which we often refer to as 'Derbados' due to it's unreasonably tropic climate. Not only was it chucking it down, but the wind was enough to nearly blow us off our puddle soaked feet. We ducked into a nearby Primark to wait for a little break in the weather. Which never really happened. We all ultimately returned to the flat wet, windblown, slightly nauseous and rather unhappy. Morale is; never do breakfast at Spoons after a night out.