Thursday 25 October 2012

Just a quick one...

Hey, just a quick blog to announce the fact that me and my good friend Dan have decided that after Halloween we are both going to give up alcohol until Christmas!

Okay so that's not really a big deal but I'm kinda going on a bit of a health bender and I think this will definitely affect how much work I get done and how I generally feel throughout the week. I'm not a massive drinker by any standards but I am still a Uni student so I'm no stranger to a few cheeky cocktail pitchers in Spoons.
I suppose it's easy for me to think of having maybe a drink or two normal because I've grown up with such a culture that celebrates this. Though I don't exactly drink every single night I feel like recently I have been either going out late and getting drunk for the sake of going dancing or at least going to Spoons and ending up having a fair few quite often recently. (I'm saying nothing of the company I like to keep here!) So I figured this might be something interesting to try, who knows, maybe it'll cut down my drinking in general after the proposed period of time.

If you're interested, my friend Dan has his own blog here and we shook hands on this TWICE. So if we break the rules there will be dyer consequences. Maybe. If we feel like it.

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