Sunday 22 April 2012

5x4 Location Shoot

So recently I did an outdoor shoot using a 4x5 Wista camera for the 'Location' section of our Studio module. It was amazingly sunny, which was fantastic as we didn't have to fiddle with too much lighting equipment, so we went to a patch of grass nearby the uni. I went with Jen as she needed to do a shoot as well.

Jen went first and had me stand against a fence and look 'moody' as it were. Her insiration for her images are the Cindy Sherman film stills so I had to look like I was waiting for something or someone. As I was wearing sunglasses she made me do the classic 'chewing on the side of the glasses' thing that's done a lot in films. I really liked the way they came out, they look very staged (as they should do) and Jen was really happy with them. 
Then it was my turn. As I am taking pictures of flowers for my indoor studio work I decided to link this to my location shoots. I had jen sit cross legged on the floor and hold a bunch of flowers and tilt her head as if she was waiting for someone. I wanted a more candid and whimsical image so I had that and one of her looking directly at the camera and smiling with a flower behind her ear so it would look like the viewer of the image had just put it there. I really love the way they came out. They both have such different effects, the closer one where she is smiling has such a nice, happy vibe and really draws you in but he the other has a slightly negative vibe, like she's been stood up and she's waiting for someone that will never turn up. By accident I realised that they would look really interesting printed on top of each other but I'm not sure that's within the parameters of the module guidelines.
I've posted the images below.
We'll be doing another shoot soon so I'll post about that one too.

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