Sunday 22 April 2012

5x4 Test

Today we shot some 5x4 tests. Our subject in the Studio module is still life, but for our test shoots we just grabbed a stool in the studio to photograph. We were given a free 5x4 negative by Candice so we could do test shots while we were all waiting for out films to arrive in the post.
We took out a cambo and a standard lens, we had no problem setting up the camera, though we forgot the cable release so we had to release the shutter ourselves, which lead to some major fingertip pain, but we persevered.
Because we are all relatively new new to shooting film with large format cameras and how to use them properly we were also lent some 'dummy' film to begin with so we could practice loading the darkslides without fogging expensive negs, after spending a while in the darkrooms fussing around making sure we had the negs correctly loaded and making sure we could do it in our sleep, it was time to do it for real. 
After checking we had everything ready, Jen and I took 3 shots of this stool, we didn't bother with any fancy lighting because we were just testing out the camera. We took one at /30 of a second and one at /60 of a second, our other image was a bit over exposed because it was our first slide and we left the shutter open.
Never the less we developed all three negatives and they actually all came out rather well, no fogged paper, no scratches and all three of the images were useable. They may not be totally correctly exposed but the point it we managed to make manageable images using a large format camera. I really like using the large format cameras, not because when i stick a coat over my head to look through the back standard I feel like I'm in a fancy old film, but because I feel a lot closer to the image I'm creating and I feel much closer to the process of making the image. This might be a little preemptive but I think I'm going to like this module, although I may get totally fed up of such a long process when it gets to the last few weeks.

Also yeah, I like feeling like I'm in an old film actually.

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