Sunday 22 April 2012

Nottingham Trip; Part 3

We went to see Anish Kapoors work in the Nottingham art gallery next. This gallery was a re-purposed castle, the view from the balcony has been used in films like This is England and Saturday Night, Sunday Morning. The view was spectacular, I could see for miles and I felt small.
Anish Kapoors work was really amazing to say the least. When I walked into the room I was confronted by these amazing shapes on the walls and the floor. I'm not sure what they were made out of but they were covered in the brightest, most vibrant pigments of yellow, blue, red and black. On the left wall was a half circle covered in red pigment that looked almost violent against this plain white wall. Then we moved through the room to find several circular based installations that were made out of a strange wax like substance. Along with this we had a spinning tank of dark red water which, although was merely a fairground trick, still held me captive for a long time. The last 3 installations were also illusions, a large white bulge in the back wall that was only visible up close. A large blue ball and a very large concave semi circle. The large half sphere was coated in a dark red dye, what made it so interesting was that it reflected the light off the inside of it, so it looked bottomless. When you tried to reach your arm inside it looked like you could reach inside forever. 
One thing that Kapoors work reminded me of was an eastern festival that compromises of the natives picking up handfuls of pure powdered pigment and throwing it around in a celebration of colour. The pigments we saw at the exhibition were so amazing that I wanted to take some home wiht me. The reds and yellows also reminded me of spices like termeric and paprika, which are synonymous with Eastern Culture.

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