Monday 23 April 2012


For my Narrative module I decided to take pictures of my workspace. I was inspired by some of the simple but beautiful work of John Blakemore.
Below I'm going to post my initial ideas in pictures, the first 2 are from a set where I was going to take pictures of things that meant a lot to me, for instance, my grandmothers ring. I decided not to use this idea as it seemed too scattered and not strong enough to me.

These next two images were part of a task set by Heike, we had to tell a story in just 2 images. The first is my bed here in Derby, which I keep neat as it helps me collect my thoughts and keep my head/work tidy, and my bed at home, which I sleep better in and leave messy because it's more relaxing. The second is of Derby train station and then Sheffield train station. It's meant to show the journey from here to home without giving specific details, making the audience think more about it.

In the next few images I'll demonstrate the kind of pictures I want to take more of and what I want to do for my final body of work. For my final piece of work I want to do a day by day show of my desk. So, I'd have a row for each day, some days there will be quite a few images when I'm doing work, but at the weekends it might be just 2 or 3 images when I'm having the day off or just concentrating on one task for a long time.

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