Sunday 22 April 2012

Advanced Process

For my Advanced Process module I recently did 2 film shoots. One black and white and one colour. The black and white one was a bit of a failure as it appeared that the film had become unraveled in the back of the Mamiya I was using so none of the images really came out. The colour one however seemed to work just fine. I wanted to focus on macro images because I feel like I've seen a lot of wide angle rolling hills images in landscape. I took the film in the woods near my house in my hometown of Sheffield. The woods are really dense but with some pathways and there is a really wide variety of plants and trees to photograph. I'm beginning to get ideas about what I want my final body of work to look like, I'm thinking 6 a3 images, set out in two columns of three. The bottom two could be flowers that grow on the ground, then above that would be flowers on trees then above that either tree leaves or 2 images looking directly up at the canopy. I still need to do a digital shoot as well before I choose whiich one I want to continue my work with.
I'll take a few images of the negatives and put them below until I have printed contact sheets.
Ok, you can't really see the colour ones but at least you can see I did it.

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