Thursday 26 April 2012

Office Space and Badlands

I would like to talk about a few films that I really like at the moment. My favourite films change all the time but there are a few I'll always love. I recently re-watched a film I've loved for a long time called Office Space, written by Mike Judge  who also was the creator of Beavis and Butthead. Office Space (1999) is an off beat comedy showing the life of Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston), an employee at Initech Offices. Peter is bored with his job and bullied by his bosses. In a freak turn of events, a hypnotherapist he was forced to see has a heart attack in the middle of a session with Peter in which he tries to make Peter relax and be calm. This leaves him in a constantly happy-go-lucky state which makes him start coming to his job late and sometimes not going in at all. Peter is then commended by two company consultants on his honesty and approach to working, Peter spends the film doing exactly what he wants, like fishing or playing tetris at his desk instead of working. Throughout the rest of this film, Peter and his two friends begin to hatch and carryout a plan to steal money from Initech but rounding off all fractions of a cent that are eft and putting them into a bank account. The plan goes arwy and they end up in big trouble, Peter faces his own misdeeds and deciedes to write a letter to his boss explaining himself and includes all the money taken. Though the morning after this he drives to work to find the building on fire. We as the viewer are lead to believe it was the character 'Milton', a quiet worker who often mumbles 'I'll burn the building down' when his boss takes his favourite stapler. The reson I love this film is that the characters are so believeble and easy to relate to. it can be described almost as quite a bland film by some because the humour is very subtle and the reason for this is that it's so true to life. 
The other film I rewatched recently was Terrence Malicks 1973 film Badlands, starring Martin Sheen as Kit and Sissy Spacek as Hollie.The characters of Kit and Holly are based on Charles Starkweather and Caril-Ann Fugate, who in 1958 went on a murdering spree that shocked America. Hollie meets Kit and quickly becomes enthralled by him, entering into a relationship in which she takes the backseat. After her father finds out, Kit murders him then burns down Hollies house and starts a road trip with her, one in which they stay in houses after murdering then people that live there. Of course Hollie never hurts anyone, she simply watches as Kit does it all. Kit is eventually caught and sent to deth row. We never really see what happens to him or Hollie. 
This film is so beautiful becuase it is filmed, in classic Terrence Malick style, in what's know as 'The Golden Hour' which are the two hours of the day in which the sun is rising and setting. This soft yellowy light bathes everything and paints it gold and casts interestingly angled shadows, instead of the usual small shadows we are accustomed to seeing in normal filming hours. 
I just wanted to talk about these films because I find that the way they are filmed and put together is really interesting from both a film lovers view and the viewpoint of someone studying an art based subject.
Trailer for Office Space:
Trailer for Badlands:

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