Sunday 22 April 2012


I love it. So much. Might be the reason I gained like 5 pounds over Christmas but we'll ignore that. 
I really like to try new foods, my parents never really branched out with food when I was younger and they're kind of afraid to try in case it makes them ill or they don't like or it's made of something weird. I recently really got into eating sushi, there's a sushi bar in the Mall in Sheffield called Yo! Sushi and it's wonderful. It a very Japenese style bar with the little conveyer belts that the food goes around and you just pick up the dishes you want and pay after you've finished depending on what coloured dish you picked up. During my first time there i tried a few things I've never had before, I tried Octopus, Eel and a Lychee, all of them were so lovely and different. I also had the normal stuff you get like salmon and tuna and avocado and whatnot but trying those few new things was really fun. 
I've also recently started doing theme nights with 2 of my flatmates in which we pick a country and then make a dish that is usually served there. So far I've tried Lebanese and Khazakstani food which were really fantastic. I'm sure none of us are making this food with as much expertise as a native but it's the thought that counts!
I've still got so much I want to try, like different meats and stuff. I'm really looking forward to this and also looking forward to trying to get my parents to try some new stuff too.

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