Friday 27 April 2012

New cameras.

Recently I bought a few new cameras and wanted to share them on here. I bought a Pentax K1000 because it reminds me of college where we had to use these all the time. I know most people are inclined to say it's a terrible camera but I love it, I've never had any problems with them, they always work and my images come out lovely. I've actuallu had more trouble with the Nikon F2's we're encouraged to borrow from uni than my Pentax. So here's the Pentax;
I also bought a Polaroid Colour Swinger 2 Land Camera. I know the film is discontinued and it really expensive to buy any that's left but I really wanted to experience how photography has moved on. Also I think it's amazing that we have a camera that takes and develops the image right in front of you in under a minute. I'm really looking forward to using this for general purposes over summer and maybe even for a project next year!

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