Friday 27 April 2012

Another blog about films.

The other week I decided to watch a film called Suckerpunch. It was directed by Zach Snyder, being familiar with some of his previous work like Watchmen (2009), 300 (2006) and the 2004 remake of Dawn of The Dead, I expected the film to be quite good. And it wasn't. At all.
Suckerpunch makes you believe that the film is about a young girl named BabyDoll. It's not, it's actually about another named SweetPea, but I'll get to that later. We follow the life of BabyDoll as her mother dies and leaves her and her sister everything, the begrudging stepdad is enraged and gets drunk and goes after the girls. In an attempt to defend her sister BabyDoll picks up a gun and fires it. She completely misses her stepdad and instead accidentally shoots her sister. She is then taken, without questioning or investigation to a mental asylum where in her stepdad pays to have her lobotomised. BabyDoll spends the entire film daydreaming essentially. Instead of seeing the mental asylum she believes she works in a brothel, then whenever she is asked to dance or do anything remotely mind damaging in the brothel she imagines another world where she fights 12ft tall zombie samurai or Nazi zombies. 
This film basically drove me mad. It's like Snyder tried to make something like Inception, but on LSD. And crack. And pretty much everything else. 
Yes, the film is very pretty and the cinematography in amazing, which is common for Snyder. The characters are semi-beliveable if you think of them in the brothel level. And yes, okay, it is kinda fun to watch scantily clad ladies fight dragons and whatnot but I just cannot bring myself to enjoy this film when it has 10 more plot twists than isnecessary. It seems that with every film Snyder makes my actual liking of him and what he makes just goes downhill. Which is a shame after starting on such a high as Watchmen.

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